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Humphrey Fonge joins the ranks of the CRC


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The CRC recently welcomed Professor Humphrey Fonge as a regular member. Professor Fonge is a full professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy. He began his academic career in 2013 at the College of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan. Concurrently, he served as a university radiopharmacist for the Saskatchewan Health Authority. He completed his doctoral studies in radiopharmacy at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium. He then pursued an MBA and postdoctoral training in theranostics and drug administration at the University of Toronto.

His research focuses on the discovery of biological imaging and therapeutic agents, known as theranostics, to combat solid tumors. He studies theranostics as a promising strategy for cancer treatment, integrating nuclear imaging to identify patients likely to benefit from the therapy, as well as targeted radiotherapy, all within a precision medicine framework. His research program is centered on four main areas:

  1. Producing, processing, and using pharmaceutical-grade radionuclides while developing new cancer-specific molecular probes.
  2. Developing and evaluating new anticancer theranostic agents, including radiolabeled agents for molecular imaging and therapeutic agents, in preclinical stages.
  3. Studying the effect of tumor microenvironment preparation by radiopharmaceuticals targeting alpha, beta, or Auger electrons, or antibody-drug conjugates, in various types of cancers.
  4. Translating new imaging probes and therapeutics into clinical trials.

The CRC extends a warm welcome to him and is delighted that he has chosen our institution to continue his career. His research team will be located at the New Hospital Complex (NCH) of the Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec-Université Laval.