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Success of the CRC in the latest CIHR competition


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The results of the highly competitive spring 2024 CIHR Project Grant competition have successfully recognized five proposals from CRC researchers. These grants will enable our teams to continue their research by exploring new and innovative approaches.

The selected projects are as follows:

Clémence Belleannée: Unraveling the role Motile and Immotile Primary Cilia in Efferent Ductule Homeostasis and Male Fertility

Stéphane Bolduc: Urethral reconstruction using tissue engineering, final steps towards clinical translation

Caroline Diorio en collaboration avec Denis Talbot: Development of statistical methods for estimating optimal adaptive treatment strategies with survival outcomes

 Jean-Yves Masson: Roles of the tumor suppressor PALB2 at the intersection of DNA repair and synthetic lethal strategies in cancer

Martin Simard: Deciphering cellular modulators of the microRNA pathway